Why a hiking holiday should be your next adventure

Pacing along on your own two feet might not be everyone’s idea of a perfect getaway, but a hiking holiday is so much more than huffing and puffing up a mountain. Whatever your fitness level, there is a walking holiday for everyone. A walking adventure doesn’t have to mean mountains and altitudes; it could simply be moorlands, country paths or coastal walks, all with some stunning views. Below are some of the top reasons we believe you should consider a walking holiday as your next adventure.  

Hiking is good for the planet

Did you know that roughly 100 000 global flights take off each day? Add to that the various transport you would then take during your holiday, and that’s a lot of emissions. As we are continually learning the importance of greener and more eco-tourism, travellers are forever searching for new ways in which they can help. A hiking holiday is probably the single best way you can get to your various destinations with a low carbon footprint.

Hiking is good for your soul

It may sound like a cliché, but getting outdoors and moving really does you the world of good. Not only will it clear your mind but it will give you a personal challenge of endurance. You could conquer Kilimanjaro, or tick off the villages of the Cinque Terre by walking the Amalfi Coast. Whichever adventure you choose, you will return home revitalized and fresh faced.  

Hiking is good for local communities

Not only will you be passing through local villages with minimal impact, you will reach areas you might not see from a highway. You will be supporting local markets, small family owned restaurants and local services. Since a walking trip is of a slower nature anyway, you will likely also have more spare time to meet and speak to the locals, finding out about their way of life. Ultimately, you will be giving back just by having a simple exchange of conversation!

local communities

Hiking slows you down

Literally. Unless your walking pace matches that of an Olympic athlete you will be moving slower. But that’s not my point; you will slow down too. Being outdoors and surrounded by nature can be very soothing for the mind. Being out in the open, surrounded by the calmness is a great escape from the modern world and a good opportunity to switch off for a while. It’s likely you won’t have access to WIFI so you can enjoy peaceful walks while chatting to your travel companions, listen to the birds as you picnic by a lake or relax to the sound of the waves along a coastal walk.

Hiking is good for the animals

Picture the scene. You’re walking through the green pastures of Romania when you see a deer grazing in the distance. You are able to move closer and closer without disturbing and you start snapping away, the animal blissfully unaware of your presence. During a walking holiday you are able to move through the area with minimal impact on the environment and nature.

Sacred Valley, Peru

Hiking is pleasing on the eyes

If you ask anyone why they went on that hiking trip, one of the answers will likely be “for the amazing views”. Once you get off the beaten track and explore where vehicles can’t reach, you will see some spectacular scenery, which is often free from the busy crowds. While watching the sunset over the Eiffel Tower or sunrise at the Taj Mahal is obviously amazing, doing it with a few thousand other people can take away the magic, not to mention trying to get a photo without an unexpecting tourist walking into shot. Once you hike a little off the beaten track, you can experience some truly breathtaking views that aren’t already all over Instagram.

Hiking is good for your bank balance

Travelling is expensive, we all know it. But there are ways you can keep the costs down and a hiking holiday can do just that. Not only will you save on transport costs during the trip, you’ll likely be staying in more rural guest houses or huts which will serve local and cheaper food. Not to mention, while trekking through fields or along a coast you are unlikely to be passing expensive shops like you would in a city, tempting you to purchase unnecessary souvenirs!  

group hiking

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